Government to consider listing State owned enterprises on stock exchange – Ofosu Adjare

Government to consider listing SOEs on stock exchange – Ofosu Adjare
The minister for trade, Agribusiness and industry Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare has indicated that the government will regard the possibility of listing State owned enterprises on the Ghana stock exchange to increase their profitability and efficiency.
She noted this in response to the call of the Managing Director of the Ghana Stock Exchange who has urged the government to consider the move as a way to improve the financial performances of the State-Owned Enterprises.
Speaking at the just ended national economic dialogue Ofosu-Adjare addressed concerns over the heavy losses recorded by the State-owned enterprises which was mentioned by the finance minister during the conference.

In the panel conversation at the national economic dialogue, the minister for trade pronounced that government will explore an option of raising funds on the stock market for the State-owned enterprises.
In a statement the Minister said that, “I’m sure that government will look at listing State-Owned Enterprises and make sure that they get some of their funding locally. That’s the only way their pension funds will grow for them to get a good pension”.
She again said that the proposal to list the state-owned enterprises on stock exchange is expected to provide an alternative source of funding which in turn help boost the confidence of investors to the Country’s economic outlook.